Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tasting- Lost Vineyards Vihno de Mesa Tinto

Name: Lost Vineyeards Vihno de Mesa Tinto
Variety: Tinto
Region: N/A
Country: Portugal
Year: Nonvintage
Price: $3.95

Wine Critic Review: "Pours a light garnet color with a nice crisp zest, with aromas of cranberries and orange peel on the nose. Drinks smooth with a briary of mild cherries, wild strawberries and raspberries along
with a note of rhubarb. Pairs particularly well with wild game and heavy fish such as salmon."

My Review: The smell of this wine consisted of dark berries, cherries, and was very oaky. I was very intrigued with this wine because the tasting had branched off from the interesting white wines I had tried. The taste consisted of subtle hints of berries and cherries, to me it was a light red wine. Also, the wine had some nice hear at first, however, there was none present for an aftertaste. Overall, a light-medium bodied wine which was did not have anything special to it.

This wine was not tried with food.

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